I went home yesterday with my brother who needed to get his little car back. He had been driving the monstrous family suburban around. (Doesn't he look like he is enjoying it so much!!!!)
When I drive that thing, I feel gravity's pull somewhat less. I feel excessively high from the ground, and that I am driving extremely fast, and my wheels aren't catching the ground very well. Let's just say my brother was very happy that he has his little Mazda Protege back. While we were home, we learned a new definition of the sport body-surfing.
It was rather humorous to see my brothers standing on top of each other. Travis even was trying to do push-ups while Justin was standing on him.
Needless to say, he didn't get to far with that plan. The trip was a blast. I love my family! They're so great, and fun to be around. I spent a couple of hours helping my mom be secret Santa in April. It was great. She couldn't stop smiling, or giggling which made me smile and giggle. My little sister threw flour at me which spilled all over my precious computer. Not cool - but all is cool. I realized that I complain a lot when I'm around my mom. It's like I hold it all in until I can talk to her and then I unleash the horde of complaints. Weird. I will do better on that. We had pork chops and mashed potatoes which filled my belly with warmness. I drove around town dropping my little sister off at tap, and then picking her up. Even with the random snow on the way to pick her up, I had my iPod on, the windows unrolled, and me singing the music. It was great. It's been so long since I drove with my window unrolled. It was exhilarating. My car window can't unroll (well it can unroll, but it wont roll up again), so I never get to have that exhilarating feel of wind blowing on my face as I drive down the street. My dog, Sophie, came with me to pick my little sister up.
With the weather changing drastically yesterday, Sophie was shaking uncontrollably until I got her sidetracked with a car ride. She was sticking her head out of the window just like me. She was definitely enjoying my serenade. As we were about to leave, I caught my cat's eccentric personality in action.
He is in a box. Why, is he in a box?
It was great fun to see my family again!!
But we had to come back to frigid Logan. The sun likes to pop out some times. Today is absolutely glorious. The sky is blue, the clouds look like cotton balls, and the sun is shining magnificently. But it hasn't been like this for a long time.
It usually looks like this, especially at 7:30 in the morning as I'm walking to class. The picture doesn't do it justice, but it is freezing. BRRRR... My feet are frozen as I type.
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