23 January 2008

It's 3 degrees outside right now!

I am a "Gilmore Girls" addict.  I have done the first step in breaking the addiction: recognition of the problem.  The reality of me ditching three classes though helped me recognize my issue.  Yesterday, I thought that I could write my paper while watching the show.  Not only was that an extremely pathetic idea because I watched it on a 4-inch screen, but low and behold it didn't work.  I was up so late last night doing homework.  I had five days to actually do the assignment, but did I take advantage of that time?  No!  I was up so late last night that when my alarm woke me up at 6:30 a.m. I had just fallen into a deep sleep.  I spent 25 to 30 minutes debating within myself the pros and cons of getting out of bed and going to class.  "My teacher wouldn't be coherent....  Maybe I have a quiz (Well he's dropping out lowest quiz score).... I can learn just as good through the book on my own.... I can sleep for a few more minutes because I don't have to take a shower because my hair is not a complete mess!... etc"  Wow!!  I decided to stay in bed and wake up an hour later for my next class: institute.  When my alarm woke me up at 7:45, I once again began the debate in my head.  "I'll wear my glasses.... I still don't have to shower....  It's institute....  One of my new years resolutions was to go to institute everyday if I'm not dying.... Sleep!!!!"  As you could probably guess, my desire and need for sleep overpowered all other thoughts.

Finally, I had to wake up to turn in my paper for English that I had stayed up late last night writing.  I took a shower.  I even walked up the 150 steps to campus instead of catching the shuttle (a punishment for myself for skipping out on two of my classes this morning).  I realized that I do indeed have a problem that I definitely need to figure out.  What a waste of time!! I am at school to learn not to watch the 7 seasons of the "Gilmore Girls".  Skipping class is not like me, and skipping 3 classes is undoubtedly unlike me.  I don't know what got into me, but I am going to change.

I found out later today that there might have been other forces keeping me in bed this morning.  If I had left my apartment at 7 a.m.  like I should have there might have been a chance that I could be dead; permanently frozen on the sidewalk outside of my apartment.  It was -13 degrees at 7 in the morning today!  No one should be out at that temperature!! It's not normal. The sun is shining but it's not warming up very well.  My cheeks are still frozen.  My headphone cords froze as well and they wouldn't stay in my ears.

I have recognized my addiction and I will no longer be a complete idiot.  I am actually grounding myself:  one of the things that I can't do to pay for my stupidity of the last couple days is go country dancing today!!!  I will do better!!!!


Anonymous said...

Seriously. "Gilmore Girls?" Darn right you have a problem, and it's not the fact that you didn't want to go to class, it is the fact that you are watching that show. And I doubt it would be the TEACHER who was/was not coherent, so much as it would be YOU who would be having trouble being coherent.

Also, in regards to crazy, WHY would you sign up for a 6:30 AM class? WHY? WHY? WHY?

Also, you would not have died in -13 degree weather just walking to campus. Especially since I am sure you were wearing 14 layers of clothes.

Anonymous said...

i'd shoot you right now except i'm not nar you and i'd have to spend the rest of my life in prison. but you deserve it :( i told you it was stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!gilmore girls = retardedness and even i recognize that!!! a sucker for romance and such. its just an over-thought soap opera. but i still love you, even though ditching classes is stupid. :) i haven't missed a day of school this year :) that means i get a free year book. forty dollars for doing something i'm supposed to--sweet!
get with it girl! go to school or DIE!!!!!!!

Love the Yamagata.

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