04 August 2010

11:42 P.M.

I am on my floor of my apartment. I just printed out the final draft for my paper, my flashcards are sitting unused by my side, and I decided that I eat WAY to much food and spend WAY too little time doing anything physical. I feel fat. I know I'm not fat--don't go all crazy on me! I just feel it.

I feel fat.

My thighs seem larger.
My pants somehow make them look even larger.
I feel rollier in my belly.
My breasts feel tight around the undergarments (I know way too much info, but who really reads this anyways!)
and I feel so much more oily on my face like the fat has liquefied and is seeping through my pores.

I need to solve this crisis. And I know how to do it!

Physical exertion. I haven't been on my bike for days. True the weather has been so PMSy that I haven't had the courage to get out to be electrocuted seconds later by a freak lightning storm or blown away by a random Tornado. I can't even remember the last time I went running. It probably coinsides with the rape on the Provo River Trail. Lame, sick world we live in.

But enough is enough. I feel fat. I know I ain't fat - but I sure as do feel it. And I'm done with it.

Physical exertion Here I come.

But first I got to finish the term off with a bang,
but before that I have got to go to bed!

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