21 April 2010

the Fiction World as we know it NOW

So after work, I dropped into Barnes & Noble - a store that I haven't stepped into for 2 years. As I wandered around aimlessly, I found some pretty awesome stuff: a notebook full of empty sheet music, a World Map and a United States of America Map (which I really need to find somewhere) and just loads of books. As I was heading out to purchase tasty Cafe Rio, my eyes fell upon a display of books - and this was right in the center:

(the one of many books on display that took Jane Austen's works and polluted greatness)

I was coming to grips with the new vampire craze brought on by Twilight. I mean, I get it - authors all over the place see the success of Stephanie Meyer (success meaning the amount of money that she has brought in) and take every idea they have ever had and thrust some vampirical idea into it hoping to earn as much money or more. The entire youth fiction wall of books was vampire after vampire after vampire. Anyways - taking classical fiction and screwing it up to somehow make Mr. Darcy (the man of many women's dreams) a vampire is completely TOO FAR.

Fiction needs to stop dirtying itself with the stench of vampires

before the good world of great literature like the pure and clean Pride and Prejudice are ruined and we are stuck with nothing but complaining, heartsick, bloodsuckers.

I wonder what Jane Austen is doing in her grave.

1 comment:

Love the Yamagata.

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